Are you a linear eater?

• Normal eaters slow their intake as they become full (satiated) over the course of a meal.
• Linear eaters are not in control of their food intake and they do not slow their eating as they progress through their meal.
• Linear eaters don’t slow their eating because they cannot detect their body’s cues that they are becoming satiated.
• Linear eaters can either eat like obese individuals with a binge-eating disorder, or they can eat like someone who has anorexia, simply by changing the circumstances in which they eat.
• Linear eaters are at risk to become either obese or develop an eating disorder, as both of these problems develop as the result of an inability to recognize the body’s normal cues for hunger and satiety.

• The good news is that linear eaters can be trained to have a normal eating pattern and be in complete control of their food intake.
• If you are having bariatric surgery, you are almost certainly a linear eater.
• It is going to be very important for you to develop a normal eating pattern if you are to avoid the nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea and eventual regaining of the weight.
• The Mandolean® program for weight loss is the only way that is known for linear eaters to become normal eaters.